Thursday, September 27, 2012

Driving Lessons

Father God,

I cut someone off today while driving to work. What's funny is that I was saying the Divine Mercy Chaplet as I did it. I'm sorry. I felt bad afterwards (still do)...despite the persistent echo in my mind that the driver had it coming. (He was speeding up deliberately so I couldn't get into the left lane to make my turn....I mean that's just mean, right?!) But then I could have slowed down. I didn't have to merge in front of him. But I was mad...and I wanted to prove a point...teach the driver a lesson. Of course that just only makes it more obvious that I am the one who needs the lesson. I'm sorry for being so silly, prideful. Here was an opportunity (small though it was) to humble myself. Here was a chance for me to discipline my remind it (and me) that we are not number one. But I failed...and I'm sorry. Father, please be with that driver today. Wash away the anger and frustrated I know I caused him (and heard through my closed window after I cut him off). Let Your Spirit embrace him...move through him...and bring him Peace. And certainly, Father, if they don't know You...please reveal Yourself in a powerful way. And actually even if they do know You...draw them closer to You. We all need that. I know I do.

As for me, Father, please forgive me. And please continue to work in me...transforming me...making me more like the person You created me to be. Thank You for Your patience. Thank You for not abandoning me to myself. Give me the wisdom and strength in these all resist my selfish desires and to instead do what is right. Let Your Spirit whisper Your Will to me...always...that I may always know the right thing to do. I thank You for all You are doing in my life. I thank You for Your unending Love. You surround me with it...You make it and Yourself known to me in so many ways...and I thank You.

All honor and glory are Yours indeed, Father. Forever and always...
